Old Family Portrait

Download Ancestral Quest 16

Click the link in the box below to download the latest version of Ancestral Quest 16 (AQ 16). Once the file has successfully downloaded, open it (run it) to complete the installation.

When you purchased this product, you received a personal registration key that will activate the full functionality of AQ 16. This key is found on the CD case if you purchased the CD. It was sent to you by email if you purchased online.

Until the software is registered, the Ancestral Quest Basics version will run, with just the core features active.

To activate the full functionality of AQ 16, enter your registration key when prompted by the software, or go into the Help menu and select the "Register Ancestral Quest" option.

AQ 16  for Windows Setup (Build 12)

AQ16Setup.exe [18MB]
for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.x, 10 and later

If You Have Trouble Installing...

Most installation issues are easily resolved once you know what to do. Click here for troubleshooting instructions.

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